Working from Home: How to Create a Healthy, Comfortable and Productive Workspace


You’ve just logged onto your video conference when your neighbor starts mowing their lawn and your dog starts barking. This may be a familiar occurrence if you’re one of the millions of Americans who’ve been working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Working remotely certainly has its challenges, however an April Gallup poll showed 59 percent of American workers would like to work from home as much as possible even after quarantine restrictions are lifted. Companies are taking note. They’ve realized that working remotely can boost employee productivity and morale—and it can reduce office space expenses. Even as restrictions are beginning to lift and some offices are reopening, many companies are limiting occupancy to just 25 or 30 percent.

It is estimated that 30 percent of the U.S. workforce will be working from home multiple days a week by the end of 2021. This represents a seismic shift compared to pre-pandemic levels of just 3.6 percent of the workforce. Recently, designers and home buyers have been chatting about “Zoom rooms,” essentially a dedicated space that is work-friendly, healthy and has all the tools necessary to have functional virtual meetings. Bottom line, remote work is here to stay.

We may not be able to navigate the perils of video-conferencing or the cacophony of stir-crazy children, but proper sound insulation can help. Combined with good natural lighting and ventilation, insulation can create a healthy, comfortable, and productive home office.

Stay comfortable and save energy

It’s unpleasant to work from home if you’re freezing at your computer or sweating through a conference call. A properly insulated space helps to ensure occupants stay cool when it’s hot and warm when it’s cold. Insulation also helps save on your monthly energy costs, and for most people at this challenging time every penny counts.

Control noise

It’s nearly impossible to concentrate on that PowerPoint presentation if all you can hear are screaming children, the garbage truck outside, or the TV in the next room. And keep in mind, noise travels both ways. You don’t want your conference calls to disturb the rest of the family who may also be working or e-learning. That’s why proper sound control insulation is so important. It can help limit the amount of noise between spaces.

Create a healthy home environment

The EPA estimates indoor pollutants can be up to five times higher than typical outdoor levels. These pollutants commonly come from appliances, furnishings, cleaning chemicals and building materials. Not only is this harmful to our families’ health, but poor indoor air quality has been found to interfere with workers’ productivity and is linked to lower grades for students. Many people have mistakenly thought they had asthma when it was actually “sick building syndrome,” a set of symptoms that can include headache, sore throat and nausea. Be sure to choose products that emit low levels of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and are GREENGUARD certified, like Knauf Insulation.

Get started

Start with a home energy audit. Many utility companies, including Duke Energy and ComEd offer these for free. During a home energy assessment, a trained professional will come to your home and check for air leakage, assess your insulation levels, examine your lighting, appliances and more. They will provide a report of recommended energy upgrades, and then you can decide which ones to complete. Adding attic insulation to your attic is one of the easiest ways to improve home comfort and many DIYers can do it themselves without the help of a professional. Air sealing, which is the process of filling voids and cracks where air can leak into or out of your home, also increases home comfort, reduces energy costs and makes for a healthier indoor environment.

When we finally discover what a post-virus world looks like, there is a good chance that many millions of Americans will continue to work from home. If you’re one of them, make sure it’s as healthy, comfortable and productive as possible. We can help.

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